WaterSHED hosts Chinese delegation for sanitation field visit and knowledge exchange
This week WaterSHED hosted a Chinese delegation organized by the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council’s (WSSCC) Global Sanitation Fund team. The Geneva-based WSSCC staff joined representatives from China’s sanitation sector, including provincial government officials and sector experts, to see WaterSHED’s successful sanitation marketing program in action. The team joined a sanitation sales event in Kompong Cham
Province, and also participated in a training workshop led by WaterSHED to exchange ideas about the elements from Cambodia that could be adapted for large-scale replication in China. As of June 2012, WaterSHED’s sanitation marketing program in Cambodia has already enabled the private sale of more than 30,000 latrines to rural households, making it one of the most efficient and successful sanitation programs of its kind.