WaterSHED Forum, “Make the Impossible Possible”
On 27 September 2012, WaterSHED hosted a forum title, “Make the Impossible Possible” which attracted nearly 200 participants from government institutions, local authority, relevant NGOs, donor communities, private sector, commune council members
WaterSHED Presents Innovative Financing Strategies at World Bank Meeting
At the 2nd Annual Plenary Meeting of Small-Scale Private Piped Water Suppliers, held during 21-22 April, 2011 in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, USAID’s regional WaterSHED program presented its approaches to affordable financing strategies
Women Take Group Loan for Latrines through WaterSHED – Amret Collaboration
Money is often cited as one of the primary constraints preventing consumers from adopting water, sanitation and hygiene (WSH) products such as latrines and water filters. In an effort to help households in rural Cambodia overcome this barrier
Healthcare in Asia – WaterSHED Spotlighted by The Economist
WaterSHED was featured in a special edition of The Economist magazine, entitled Healthcare in Asia: The Innovation Imperative. The article showcased the simple, yet game-changing, innovations in health service delivery that are being scaled-up in Asia by both NGOs and
Real Impact. WaterSHED Featured in USAID Global Waters
WaterSHED is the featured Real Impact story in the January 2011 edition of USAID Global Waters